Sleepy Time Ranma Pals!

Konnechi Wa!! Welcome to The Cursed Springs Adoption Center where you can adopt your very own Sleepy Time Ranma Pal!Here you will find little Ranma kiddies that need a good home on your web page. Go to the code/adopt link on the side of this site for directions and the codes to adopt!

Hey sugar, youll adopt me,right?

Hey...can you adopt me please? I'm tired of getting lost around the adoption center. ;_;

Adopt me please! And mebe Shampoo too? ^.^

Nihao! Shampoo wan be taken from this place. You take Shampoo,yes?

Arg, I hate having to share a room with Ranma! Adopt me and get me away from that pervert!

I hate this curse! But its more of a curse to be stuck here with my get me outta here!

I hate being stuck in this hell...take me away from all of them,especially my *uncute* fiancee!

~*Note that you can adopt 1 or 2 Ranma Pals!*~

Go Back to the main page!

Click here to go to the codes,directions,and rules for adopting! *also to adopt!*

Go on an mail me!

"Pervert girl only want girl-type Ranma? Tell truth now!!-Shampoo"